Join Us
Get involved, meet new people and find a home for your talents
We are nothing without our theatre members and are always ready to welcome new faces regardless of your experience of local theatre. It's not just about acting either - there's an awful lot that goes into staging a production which doesn't involve being on stage.
If you don't fancy performing to the audience why not try your hand back stage - with lights, sound, or costumes, or there's prompting, directing and stage management, or play selection and casting. Alternatively you can put your people skills to work in the front of house team, on the bar or helping with social events. You'll be amazed at the contribution you can make to our community.
You can fill out a membership application below, at the theatre or download the form below and email it to info@playersdramatic.co.uk
We would love to count you as one of our valued members.
Current Membership Subscriptions
FULL (19-64) - £60
Subscription includes a ticket to each of the 4 main plays; plus Newsletters and Reduced admission to social events – some are FREE to members!
All memberships are renewable on 1st August.
You may join at any time during the season and the subscription will be amended accordingly.
Fill in the application below, or tap the membership form button to download a form which can be emailed or printed.

Support Us
Players Theatre relies on help and donations from various funding sources. Thanks to the continued generosity of our supporters and sponsors, we have been able to do some incredible things. We would love for you to be included in our success.
There are may ways you can help, including through corporate sponsorship, individual membership and ticket purchases, including our season ticket which offers you a great discount of four plays for the price of three!
Contribute today and ensure our Theatre continues staging quality performances for the Cheadle Hulme community.
For more details about sponsoring the theatre please contact us on 0161 485 1441 or click the button below to email.